Madison, AL Chiropractors Talk About Lab Testing

By: Dr. Justin Walbom, DC and Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP
Millar Chiropractic - Madison Al

Analyzing Lab Tests
Various aspects of health care have made significant advances in the last few decades . Laboratory testing has also improved, not only in the range of tests available, but also in the quick turnaround-time of results.

Unfortunately though, no lab test is perfect. Tests may either inaccurately suggest that a patient has a particular disease they don't have, or instead miss the presence of the disease in someone who actually has it. Either of these situations can be very problematic.

MRIs, for example, are a helpful tool that reveal more information than ever before. But not every suspicious shadow on an MRI means something. It takes time and experience to accurately interpret MRI images. It is not unusual for new technology to become available well in advance of our ability to accurately interpret the results.

Lab tests need to be interpreted cautiously. In order to have an accurate diagnosis, we need to also have supporting evidence in the form of patient history and physical exam findings, in addition to the lab test results.
You're in your doctor's office because you noticed some unusual symptoms and are afraid something might be wrong. Even though you know some lab tests are probably necessary, that doesn't prevent you from feeling anxious. We may want to know the results, but at the same time we probably are very concerned about what the outcome might be. Hearing the doctor casually mention that "we need to do some blood work," can be enough to trigger a strong bout of anxiety in many people.

Then when you get the results, it can be difficult to decipher the medical jargon, especially when the tests are "positive". Most of us have had the experience of our mind tuning out after hearing the initial news that "your test results are positive".  In this situation, our minds begin racing ahead, imagining all sorts of awful possibilities.

Occasionally, a compassionate physician will endeavor to put the lab results in a less-worrisome perspective for the patient. For patients, it helps to know some important facts  that will help to empower you whenever you have lab tests done.

First of all, statistically one out of every 20 tests performed will be reported as "abnormal", even though the result is in fact "normal" for the individual being tested. If you are perfectly healthy and have 20 tests done on your blood sample, one of those 20 test results will be "out of the normal range" based on statistics alone.

According to Dr. Greg Millar, Dr. Ken Randolph, and Dr. Jessica Davis of Millar Chiropractic Clinics in Huntsville, Alabama, this anomaly is a result of the way the normal test range is calculated, which involves testing a large group of "normal" people and eliminating the top and bottom 2.5% of the results, leaving the middle 95% as the normal range. So if 20 tests are done, statistically one will be considered "abnormal", only because its results will fall in the top or bottom 2.5%.  It may be perfectly normal for you, but it will still be reported as "abnormal".

Other things to consider are the specificity and the sensitivity of the lab test. Specificity has to do with whether or not a particular positive test result actually indicates the presence of the disease for which you are being tested. If a test has a specificity rate of 90%, then in ten out of 100 positive results, the patient does not actually have the disease. Sensitivity has to do with how accurate the test is in detecting the disease when the disease is truly present. For example, if a test for colon cancer is 90% sensitive, it will miss ten cases of the disease out of every 100 cases.

To summarize, if a test has low specificity, test results reporting the presence of the disease may be inaccurate, and if a test has low sensitivity, actual cases of the disease may be missed. All these factors need to be taken into consideration when interpreting lab test results. Things are not always as they seem.

The important thing to realize from all of this, is that lab test results should always be evaluated in the specific context of the patient. An isolated lab test result - or a set of lab test results - needs to be related to the patient's circumstances and condition.  Making a diagnosis based on lab results alone can be a big mistake.
Similarly, x-ray, MRI, and ultrasound results must also be interpreted in context. Attempting to interpret an x-ray without any clinical information will likely result in an inaccurate conclusion. Context is everything. Your doctor should be willing and able to explain why certain tests are necessary, and to help you understand what the results indicate, when taken into consideration along with your exam and other findings.

Millar Chiropractic - Madison AL
1908 Slaughter Rd. 
Madison, Alabama 35758
(256) 430-2700

1Thomas SL, et al: How accurate are diagnoses for rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the general practice research database? Arthritis Rheum  59(9):1314-1321, 2008
2Friston KJ, et al: Classical and Bayesian inference in neuroimaging: theory. Neuroimage 16(2):465-483, 2002
3Kobayashi M, et al: Intraindividual variation in total and percent free prostate-specific antigen levels in prostate cancer suspects. Urol Int 74(3):198-202, 2005

Don't Forget to Eat Your Vegetables!: Madison, AL Chiropractors Discuss How Eating Vegetables Is Beneficial to Your Health

By: Dr. Justin Walbom, DC and Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP
Millar Chiropractic - Madison Al

The Benefits of Fruit
The familiar saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is actually quite accurate. Red Delicious, Gaia and Granny Smith apples all have high concentrations of flavonoids - phytochemicals that are powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants protects against free radical damage thereby assisting in the fight against aging, heart disease, atherosclerosis, inflammation and cancer.

Other enticing sources of flavonoids are red grapes, raisins, oranges, figs, plums, and berries such as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and raspberries.  Flavonoids are even found in avocados and walnuts, which are also high in healthy fats.

Try adding some organic berries to some whole milk organic yogurt for a delicious snack or light meal.

The phytochemicals provided by vegetables and fruits can enhance your health and longevity.
Most kids are not very fond of vegetables. Some will go through the motions, pushing broccoli spears and lima beans around their plate a few times, while very little actually makes it into their mouth.

And yet, we would love to have our children eat their vegetables on a regular basis. The best way to accomplish this is to prepare fresh veggies each day, and to set a good example by eating the veggies on our own plates!

Why is making this a priority worth your time and effort?  Mainly because vegetables contain a plethora of very powerful ingredients that help keep us healthy and help us ward off a wide range of serious illnesses. These amazing substances that we call phytochemicals give vegetables and fruits their big nutritional kick!  Brightly colored vegetables and fruits contain both the most nutrients and the most phytochemicals.

Some of the phytochemicals you may have heard of include the flavonoids, found in colorful fruits such as cranberries and blueberries, and lycopene which is found in tomatoes. Phytochemicals can have many varied effects - some are powerful antioxidants, while others may stimulate enzyme activity or produce a positive hormonal reaction. What they all have in common however is the ability to promote health and well-being and to enhance the performance of those who regularly consume these powerful ingredients.

Why are antioxidants so important? They protect the cells of your body from the free radicals that are a byproduct of normal metabolic activities. Eating a well-balanced diet with plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits can provide the necessary antioxidants to neutralize destructive free radicals.

If we fail to consume our daily requirement of vegetables and fruits, our antioxidant reserves eventually become depleted, leaving free radicals to damage cells and cause disease. Certain types of cancer, for example, are linked to free radical damage.

It is important to realize that vegetables, like those broccoli spears your Mom used to make you eat, are much more than meets the eye. (Or taste bud in this case.) Broccoli is in fact a superfood which is loaded with antioxidants and cancer-fighting phytochemicals.

Carrots are another superfood with health-enhancing effects. They contain beta-carotene which is another important antioxidant. A portion of the beta-carotene you consume is converted by your body into into Vitamin A, which  can bolster your immune system and help to protect your digestive tract.

Tomatoes are another top super-vegetable. They contain abundant lycopene which is a very powerful antioxidant that is responsible for their bright red color. Lycopene offers proven health benefits in the areas of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Consuming vegetables each day provides tremendous benefit for people of all ages.  For optimal nutrition, make an effort to enjoy five to nine portions of vegetables and fruits each day.  The most ideal ratio would be to eat slightly more veggies than fruits, if you can.
Dr. Greg Millar and Dr. Justin Walbom of Millar Chiropractic Clinics in Madison, Alabama have had extensive training in nutrition and will be happy to assist you in designing food plans that will work for you and your entire family.
Millar Chiropractic - Madison AL
1908 Slaughter Rd. 
Madison, Alabama 35758
(256) 430-2700

1Hayes JD, et al: The cancer chemopreventive actions of phytochemicals derived from glucosinolates. Eur J Nutr 47(Suppl 2):73-88, 2008
2Nair S, et al: Natural dietary anti-cancer chemopreventive compounds: redox-mediated differential signaling mechanisms in cytoprotection of normal cells versus cytotoxicity in tumor cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin 28(4):459-472, 2007
3Vinson JA, et al: Cranberries and cranberry products: Powerful in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo sources of antioxidants. J Agric Food Chem June 2008 (in press)

Madison AL Chiropractors Talk About Maximizing Your Health Account

By: Dr. Justin Walbom, DC and Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP
Millar Chiropractic - Madison Al

Deposits and Withdrawals from Your Health Account
In terms of your health and well-being it's very important to not to "overdraw your health account". Withdrawals should never exceed deposits. The trouble is that sometimes we don't even realize that we're making a withdrawal, or we forget to make sure we've had enough deposits to cover a big withdrawal. When this happens, we tend to get sick.

Stress can cause a very large withdrawal from your health account. Your body will expend a large amount of resources as it tries to cope with stress. The result is the same whether the stress is psychological, emotional or physical - all types of ongoing stress result in ongoing withdrawals.

When we are under a lot of stress, it's especially important to pay close attention to our health accounts. Proper nutrition, sufficient rest, and regular exercise become even more important when we're under increased stress. The trouble is, heightened stress levels go hand in hand with chronic exhaustion - so we tend to feel like we just don't have the energy necessary to do the things that will keep us healthy. We tell ourselves that we're too stressed out and we don't have enough time to workout or make an effort to buy and prepare healthy food.

But the thing is, that's when it really is most important to make the effort and take the time to do what's best for our health.  Even if we don't really feel like it.
Take the time now to pad your health accounts, so that you will have the necessary health resources down the road when you really need it.
Everyone wants to increase the balance in their bank accounts. The health of our finances is largely determined by the level of our resources. The more money we have in the bank, so to speak, the more secure we feel overall. If our resources are nicely diversified among liquid assets, property, stocks, and bonds, we are apt to feel even more secure.
We can similarly use this type of fiscal accounting as a metaphor for our physical well-being and health. The more resources we are able to accumulate in our "health account" the healthier we will likely end up being. To take it one step further, if we're able to diversify the assets in our health accounts, as it's prudent to do with our financial accounts, we're more likely to experience better outcomes with regard to our long-term health.
You may notice that your physical resources probably fluctuate as often as your financial resources. With the metaphor of health accounting, we can still think in terms of income and expenses. If your "income" is greater than your "expenses", you will likely enjoy overall higher levels of health.  Of course, the opposite is also true - when expenses are greater than income, health tends to deteriorate.
What kinds of things can we use to pad our health accounts? Dr. Greg Millar and Dr. Justin Walbom of Millar Chiropractic Clinics in Madison, Alabama say that the most obvious and crucial aspects are food, exercise, and rest. With each of these, quality is more important than quantity - especially when it comes to the food we eat. Eating a large quantity of poor quality food will eventually lead to being overweight or obese. On the other hand, when you focus on quality - enjoying a diet that primarily consists of high-quality protein, high-quality fats, and plenty of fresh vegetables and some fruits - you will usually become more fit and naturally lean.
When it comes to getting adequate rest, most people usually do best with seven to eight hours of sleep each night. There are exceptions, but for most people, getting less than six hours of sleep per night long-term will eventually deplete their health account. In rare cases, getting too much sleep long-term can also lead to negative effects. Just like with food though, quality can be more important than quantity (or at least equally important).
There are many additional sources of "income" that can increase the balance of our health accounts. Close and loving personal relationships with family and supportive friends, interesting and stimulating interests and activities, exploring new places and learning new skills all help to grow our health accounts, enhancing our long-term health and increasing our overall sense of well-being.
Chiropractic care is another wonderful source of "income" for our health accounts. Receiving regular chiropractic care can help a person maximize the value - on a physiological basis - of the food, rest and exercise they are getting. Chiropractic care assists people in getting the most out of their health resources, by optimizing their physiology and thereby improving their health and increasing their well-being.
Millar Chiropractic - Madison AL
1908 Slaughter Rd. 
Madison, Alabama 35758
(256) 430-2700

1Greenwald P, Dunn BK: Do we make optimal use of the potential of cancer prevention? Recent Results Cancer Res 181:3-17, 2009
2Jackson AS, et al: Role of lifestyle and aging on the longitudinal change in cardiorespiratory fitness. Arch Intern Med 169(19):1781-1787, 2009
3Smaldone A, et al: Sleepless in America: inadequate sleep and relationships to health and well-being of our nation's children. Pediatrics 119(Suppl 1):S29-S37, 2007

Madison Chiropractors Talk About When Headaches Become More Than Just Simple Headaches

By: Dr. Justin Walbom, DC and Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP
Millar Chiropractic - Madison, AL

Hypertension (high blood pressure or HBP) is a common unrecognized cause of headaches.  Hypertension itself is very common - according to the American Heart Association, approximately one-third of American adults have HBP. Nearly one-third of these people don't even realize that they have HBP. This is a serious problem.
Two of the most important things you can do to prevent HBP are to make sure you get regular exercise, and to maintain a normal body weight. For extra benefits, exercise outside in nature whenever possible. This may help reduce stress (and therefore blood pressure) even more.
Eating fresh, raw garlic has also been shown to help improve blood pressure.  If you (or your partner) objects to the garlic smell, you can take odorless garlic capsules instead.
It is also helpful to make sure your vitamin D levels are sufficient.  You can have your doctor order an inexpensive test to make sure you are not deficient.
Eating a lot of fresh, non-starchy vegetables is great, but make sure you don't overdo it on the fruits, especially if you tend to have HBP.  Fructose, the main sugar in fruit has been linked to elevated blood pressure. The even bigger culprit, however, is the high fructose corn syrup found in many commercial products... especially soft drinks.  These must be avoided, especially if you have HBP!
It is also helpful to avoid coffee (which can increase blood pressure) and make sure you are getting enough sleep each night.
Did you know that approximately 10 million Americans suffer with daily headaches? 50 million more have headaches often enough to seek medical care, while approximately 23 million Americans suffer from migraines.  Although people spend billions of dollars each year on Imitrex for migraines, and various over-the-counter remedies for tension headaches, the statistics haven't really improved in the last 20 years. Approximately one out of every six Americans suffers from headaches.

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. These are generally caused by stress and muscle tension (primarily in the neck and shoulders) but can also be caused by eye strain. The dull, throbbing pain can be severe, and may even include nausea.
Migraines are even more debilitating, and are often preceded by something called an "aura", referring to the visual symptoms which may include seeing flashing lights or even losing a portion of one's visual field.

Although headaches are a very common malady, they should never be taken for granted. Everyone who suffers from headaches should, at some point, have a physical examination to rule out serious underlying problems such as high blood pressure.

It is also very important to realize that the occurrence of an unusual headache, accompanied by brand-new symptoms, should be immediately evaluated by a physician. A severe and sudden headache, "like nothing I ever had before", requires immediate attention. If you've never previously vomited as a result of a headache, and suddenly you are, you need to see a physician. An unusual, unexpected increased level of headache pain also requires immediate attention. Any of these situations could be the result of a serious underlying problem, and an MRI is usually necessary.

According to Dr. Greg Millar, Dr. Ken Randolph, and Dr. Jessica Davis of MillarChiropractic Clinics in Huntsville, Alabama, c
hiropractic treatment is often a great benefit for many people who suffer from tension headaches and even migraines. A chiropractic physician will perform a complete physical examination, which often includes x-rays. Underlying causes of headaches must be ruled out. If a medical condition is indicated, the patient may be referred to the appropriate specialist.

Chiropractic spinal adjustments are a gentle procedure that effectively reduces muscle tension while improving spinal mobility.  With chiropractic care, neck and shoulder muscles are freed from being held in fixed positions, resulting in improved circulation, improved cellular nutrition, and more efficient muscle activity. The frequency and intensity of tension headaches may be noticeably reduced. Migraine headaches may also improve as well.

Regular exercise and an appropriate diet are also crucial in the treatment of headaches. Exercise improves all aspects of muscle function, while also improving circulation which helps your muscles by bringing oxygen and nutrients and removing irritants such as lactic acid. Exercise also helps to improve a person's mood, and significantly reduces overall stress and tension. An additional benefit of a balanced diet combined with regular exercise may include the loss of excess body fat, which reduces the mechanical stress caused by excess pounds.

Headaches are usually a sign that something is out-of-balance. Exercise, balanced nutrition, and chiropractic care can help restore balance to our highly stressed lives.

Millar Chiropractic - Madison, AL
1908 Slaughter Rd. 
Madison, Alabama 35758
(256) 430-2700

Madison Chiropractors Discuss How A Healthy Lifestyle Helps the Planet

By: Dr. Justin Walbom, DC and Dr. Greg Millar, DC CCEP
Millar Chiropractic - Madison, AL

Has it ever occurred to you that the choices you make to increase your health and well-being may also improve the health and well-being of the planet? They can, especially when there are a large number of people making the same healthy choices to improve their welfare, and that of their family and community at large.
According to Dr. Greg Millar and Dr. Justin Walbom of Millar Chiropractic Clinics in Madison, Alabama, maintaining a health-enhancing personal lifestyle with regard to nutrition and fitness can have a positive impact on the both the local environment and the global biosphere. Our personal choices and the positive actions we take can make a difference. When we make life-affirming choices to get fit, remain fit, and eat a health-promoting diet, it often has a positive affect on everyone and everything around us.
Consider how you get to work. For most Americans driving to work is a lifelong habit that they don't even think about. But driving a car or truck with a typical internal combustion engine produces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Every gallon of gas burned pumps 17 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
If you walk or ride a bicycle to work, you are gaining not only the vast health benefits of exercise for yourself, but you're also helping to reduce GHG emissions which can help to stabilize the overall climate.

If you live too far away from your place of work to reasonably walk or bike there each day, perhaps you could arrange a car pool with your co-workers and bike or walk to their home on days when you're not the designated driver.
Buying local farm products and produce is not only good for you, but good for the planet also.  Food is usually much fresher, tastier, and more nutritious when it doesn't have to be transported across the country or from the other side of the world - which also saves on fossil fuel and reduces the emissions involved. Did you know that on average, food consumed in the United States travels an average of 1,500 miles to get to your local grocery store? Foods that are grown locally eliminate most of the fossil fuel resources that are otherwise wasted in transporting non-local items. Check out and - Alabama for local farms near you.
In addition to supporting local farmers, tending your own garden or participating in a community garden is a health-enhancing activity that offers a triple benefit. First of all, food production doesn't get more local than your own garden, saving fossil fuel resources and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, you'll be adding the freshest vegetables to your family's diet, providing an abundance of natural vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are necessary for good health. And last but not least, gardening is terrific exercise! It's the kind of exercise our forebears used to get, way back when people didn't sit in chairs at their desks all day long.
The side benefits of participating in health-promoting activities don't stop there. For the most part, healthy people don't wind up in the local hospital emergency room. Resources saved include fossil fuels burned by high-speed ambulances, fossil fuels burned to produce electricity used to power life-saving medical devices, and energy utilized to produce the vast amounts of medical supplies consumed in an emergency procedure, including syringes, IV set-ups, and towels, wipes, and disinfectants. Additionally, if you are able to keep yourself healthy by maintaining a health-promoting lifestyle, chances are you will avoid or at least minimize the amount of prescription drugs you take during your lifetime. This benefits you by avoiding the expense and side effects, but it also benefits the planet because you're not adding to the increasing amounts of pharmaceuticals that end up in the water we all drink.

Making an effort to improve your health and that of your family has a huge multiplying effect. Your chiropractor knows that all body systems are deeply interconnected and must work together to produce good health.  It is the same with the population and the many different living systems that make up Planet Earth. Your Millar chiropractor can provide you with detailed information regarding good nutrition and health-promoting exercise that can help make a real difference in not only your own health, but that of your community.
Millar Chiropractic - Madison AL
1908 Slaughter Rd. 
Madison, Alabama 35758
(256) 430-2700

1Villegas R, et al: The cumulative effect of core lifestyle behaviours on the prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia. BMC Public Health 13(8):210, 2008
2Christie BR, et al: Exercising our brains: how physical activity impacts synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus. Neuromolecular Med 10(2):47-58, 2008
3Booher MA, Smith BW: Physiological effects of exercise on the cardiopulmonary system. Clin Sports Med 22(1):1-21, 2003